Beautiful Cabo San Lucas 2025

Mind Escape Retreats in Cabo San Lucas offer a safe nurturing space to facilitate self-healing, introspection, and true change. Let Mind Escape allow you to develop the self-awareness to bring about the healing you deserve. This is a reset for you! “The only agenda for our retreats are self-wellness, and the time to achieve it”.

Break the pain cycle.

Our new program is based on working through injury, overworking, repetitive motion injury, or emotional stress. You will receive daily massage, yoga, stretching classes, and planned activities based on your fitness level.

You will make separate reservations at the beautiful Hotel Casa Bella in Cabo San Lucas. After a short Uber ride to Vista Mare, we will spend the morning together working on self-care and goal-setting for your outcome.

My four-day sessions will help you move more, better understand your body, and use tools like yoga and the roll method at home.

We will visit a waterfall, nature retreat center and do a tradition Mexican clearing.

A one-on-one meeting will be planned to determine whether you are a good fit, and goals will be set before setting up the retreat.

Massage, yoga, and the roll method are included in the pricing. The attendee is responsible for food outside of the hours 8-5, transportation, hotel, and Travel Insurance.

PP: $ 1750.00

We also can set up traditional Tamezcal (Sweat Lodge), Energy work or clearings, and day trips.